SONA (Sargodhians Overseas Network Association) is planning a big reunion 21 June 2025, Insha'Allah! Sohail Shafi, Ejaz Shamim bhai, and their team will be hosting, and it’s going to be a great chance to catch up, remember our Sargodhians and teachers who’ve passed, and talk about how we can give back to Pakistan. And of course, there will be plenty of fun too!
Read MoreOn 13 January 25, Chapter Chairman received a call from CEO SST, AVM Qasim Masood Khan about upcoming Founders Day at SST PSR on 25 January 25. To me that was a late call as such intimation is given at least a month in advance. December to February are three months of relevant cold in Karachi; therefore, weddings, aqiqas and traveling is usually planned during these months. I also had planned to go camping and fishing in the North with my entry mates from 21 to 24 January. Karachi Chapter was expected to provide max attendance on 25 January plus a few 'senior' Sargodhians that could grace the night function at SST PSR on 24 January.
Read MoreTo acknowledge and appreciate the remarkable contributions of a few extraordinary amongst us, a day trip has been organized to the Alamabad Educational Complex in Swabi. All Alauddinians are earnestly encouraged to participate.
Read MoreIt is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our esteemed senior, Bakhtiar Beig Mirza Bhai (161-Attacker of 3rd entry). Bakhtiar Bhai passed away last night in Montreal, Canada, after a prolonged illness. Inna lillahe wa inna elayhe rajeoon. His contributions to the Sargodhian community were unparalleled, and he will be dearly missed.
Read MoreAs decided in our Biennial Reunion held at Sargodha last year on 24th Oct, such gatherings will be held at Sargodha every three years (Triennial), and in between, these will be held at each inland Chapter, under the arrangement of the respective Chapter Management Committees. This year the Reunion get-together is being organized at E-9 PAF Islamabad on Sunday, 05 November.
Read MoreFriday 8 September 2023 bore witness to an extraordinary event, one that will be cherished in the memories of Sargodhians across the globe. On the evening of September 8, 2023, Sargodhians convened in the United Kingdom for an unforgettable reunion. Traveling from far-flung corners of the world, including Australia, Norway, Manchester, Lahore, Islamabad, London, Luton, St Albans, and Sunbury-on-Thames, the attendees proved that no distance is too great when it comes to reuniting with one’s own.
Read MoreA picnic/ Eid Milan party was arranged by Islamabad Chapter at Jungle Barracks, Ayub National Park Rawalpindi on 3rd of May 2023. The event provided old Sargodhians an opportunity to meet/ greet each other and cherish the memories of the time they spent at our Alma Mater.
Read MoreIt is to appraise everyone that SOBA Rawalpindi / Islamabad Chapter is planning a picnic / Eid Milan party at Ayub Park Rawalpindi in the 1st week of May 2023. Sargodhains from other Chapters can also participate as per their convenience. For registration, please contact 0321-5441122, 0322-5812416.
Read MoreSOBA Reunion 2022 1. SOBA organized a Reunion of Old Boys at Sargodha College on 24th of October 2022. The last Reunion was held in October 2018. This long gap was due to Covid restrictions. In the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held during the 2018 Reunion it was decided by Sargodhians that in order to reduce Reunion related administrative and logistic burden at the College, the Reunion would be held at Sargodha after every three years. It was also agreed that in between Reunion would be held after one year at one of the Chapters as decided by Sargodhians. The Reunion 2019, 2020 and 2021 could not be held. In mid this year Covid finally appeared to be receding and a decision was thus made to hold the Reunion at Sargodha College on 24th October as a day event.
Read MoreIt is to apprise all Sargodhians that SOBA re-union is planned to be held at PAF College Sargodha, on 24 October 2022. It will essentially be a day event except for participants from Karachi.
Read MoreElections for the Chapter Management Committee (CMC) of Pindi-Isb Chapter were held on 11 Sep at 1630 hrs at Emerald Hall of PAF AHQ Officers Mess Margalla Road. Abdul Qadir Hayee Bhai of 3rd entry was the Election Commissioner.
Read MoreA book "Tormented Truth – 1971 & Beyond" written by Gp Capt (Retd) S. M. Hali
Read MoreSST Public School Rashidabad invited Group Captain Sultan M. Hali (739-Sabre, 15th entry) on 15th January as guest speaker to deliver a speech on "Leadership".
Read MoreHandover Ceremony Sargodhian Overseas Network Association (SONA) Hosted A Leadership Handover Ceremony
Read MoreSOBA Annual get together and AGM – 2019 As agreed in the AGM held on 27th Oct 2018 at PAF College Sargodha, the biennial reunion at Sargodha will now be held after every three years. In the intervening years an annual get together along with AGM would be organised in rotation at the SOBA Chapters.
Read MoreProgramme and Agenda: Annual Get-Together and AGM of SOBA 25 Nov 2019 at AHQ Officers Mess E-9 Islamabad
Read MoreDoom and gloom seems to be the order of the day. Soaring inflation and unemployment have taken a toll on the country’s poor. The media, both local and international, has nothing positive to say about Pakistan.
Read MoreREUNION 27 OCTOBER GALLERIES - check out the albums
Read MoreFinal lists of 27th October Reunion at PAF College Sargodha - Chapter wise
Read MoreDear Members! The latest edition of the college magazine “SARGODHIAN” in now available for your viewing. Please click the following links to download the magazine.
Read MoreElections were held for the various posts at SOBA Karachi and following seats are filled. Followed by Newly Elected SOBA Karachi President Speech. President: Cdr. Raza Hussain Shah Secy. General: Fayyaz Ahmad Joint Secy. :Riazuddin Finance Secretary : Rahat Aziz Executive Committee Members 1. Tahir Sibtain Shah 2. Wahid Khurshid 3. Zaheeruddin Babar
Read MoreSargodhians participated in the HRCA Art and Creative Writing competition held across the country in April, 2018. Nine talented Sargodhians clinched positions in their respective categories.
Read MoreA dinner is being arranged on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 1945 hrs, at Air Headquarters Officers’ Mess, E-9 Islamabad to welcome new Patron-in-Chief SOBA Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan NI (M) and bid farewell to outgoing Patron-in-Chief SOBA, Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman NI (M) at Air Headquarters Officers’ Mess E-9 Sector, Islamabad. All Sargodhians are requested to attend the dinner with their wives.
Read MoreIn a short period of three months, Sargodhians who live outside of Pakistan have quickly organized the North America Chapter and are planning to hold their second reunion on Feb 24, 2018 in Washington DC. Over 170 people have registered for the event and this promises to be an exciting well attended event. Please check photo gallery for all pictures and videos of the event.
Read MoreThe 2018 Annual meeting of SOBA Karachi Chapter will be held at PAF museum on Feb 24, 2018
Read MoreAddress by President SOBA Welcome/Farewell Dinner for President SOBA At the outset, on behalf of all Sargodhians I congratulate ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan for assuming the command of the one of the best Air Forces of the world. Our best wishes and prayers will always remain with him. I have no doubt about his loads of multifaceted professional experience, humanity, eye for the detail and level of headedness, would keep our wonderful service on-course to even newer heights. I also fecilitate him for becoming the Ptron-in-Chief of Sargodhian Old Boys Association. I am sure that his patronage of SOBA and ofcourse its affiliate, SST, would provide the organizations requisite impetus and help them achieve their nation building objective more vigorously.
Read MoreProposal submitted by Sohail Shafi (1161 Alauddin) for the formation of Alumni Office at PAF college Sargodha.
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