Invitation For Get Together

Invitation For Get Together


SOBA Annual get together and AGM – 2019

Dear Sargodhians, Assalam o Alaykam, Dated 29th October 2019

As agreed in the AGM held on 27th Oct 2018 at PAF College Sargodha, the biennial reunion at Sargodha
will now be held after every three years. In the intervening years an annual get together along with AGM
would be organised in rotation at the SOBA Chapters. This would facilitate the involvement and
participation of all the Chapters in succession. In this regard the annual get together of SOBA for this year
has been planned at PAF Complex E-9 Islamabad on the 26th of Nov, 2019. The CAS, PAF has consented to
be the Chief Guest.
