We extend a heartfelt welcome to you at the United Kingdom Chapter of the Sargodhian alumni community. Established in the United Kingdom under the leadership of our esteemed President, Azad Ayub Bhai, this chapter serves as a dedicated platform for Sargodhians residing in the UK.

Our United Kingdom Chapter is an extension of the core values, discipline, and education we received at the distinguished PAF College, Sargodhia. Our vision is to unite Sargodhians in the UK, creating a space for friendship, solidarity, and mutual assistance. Bound by our common experiences, memories, and the undying spirit of Sargodhia, we aim to make a meaningful impact.

As a member of the UK Chapter, you will gain access to a network that encourages both personal and professional development, offers numerous networking prospects, and facilitates the sharing of knowledge and ideas. Whether you seek to relive old memories, build new friendships, or expand your professional connections, our UK Chapter provides an inclusive and supportive setting for all these endeavors.

Geography may separate us, but the Sargodhian bond is unyielding, transcending borders and spanning continents. The United Kingdom Chapter is more than just a chapter of alumni; it's an extension of our Sargodhian family. We invite you to be an integral part of this dynamic and welcoming community.

United by our shared history and driven by our shared vision, we believe that the Sargodhian spirit will continue to flourish through the United Kingdom Chapter, regardless of geographical constraints. We look forward to your active participation in this inspiring endeavor.

Welcome to the United Kingdom Chapter, where Sargodhians in the UK and around the world connect, collaborate, and continue to uphold our collective legacy.