The purpose of Sargodhian Benovalent Fund (SBF) is to identify and  help those Sargodhian families who may have fallen into hard economic times. 
As Sargodhians in Pakistan and all over the world continue to contribute generously towards larger SST projects such as building schools and training institutes , It is also important that we do not lose sight of  other Sargodhian related matters that warrant our equal attention. 
We must realize that within Sargodhian families, there are some who might have fallen  into hard times. Some may be struggling for economic reason while some may be families of Shuhudaas who may need our help  with their kids education. 
You contribution to Sargodhian Benevolent  fund will allow Alumni board to identify such families and then help them financially whether in the form of outright cash grants, scholarship or interest free loans.
We thank you for supporting Sargodhian Benovalent Fund (SBF)