Chapter Management Committee Election
Dear Sargodhians, AoA,
1. Elections for the Chapter Management Committee (CMC) of Pindi-Isb Chapter were held today at 1630 hrs. at Emerald Hall of PAF AHQ Officers Mess Margalla Road. Abdul Qadir Hayee Bhai of 3rd entry was the Election Commissioner.
2. The following Sargodhians were elected unopposed for the respective positions.
a. AVM (Retd) Tahir Ranjha (78th GDP) - Chapter Chairman.
b. Air Cdre (Retd) Qaswar Abbas Naqvi (83rd GDP) - Vice Chairman
c. Gp Capt (Retd) Asif Jalal (G-27 Engg Course) - Treasurer cum Secretary.
3. After the declaration by the Election Commissioner the elected officials introduced themselves one by one.
4. A total of 37 Sargodhians participated including Col Rauf (1st entry) from Peshawar. The election was overdue for the last one year. Head Office SOBA organized and conducted these elections on behalf of and with the concurrence of former Chairman of the CMC.
5. Then President SOBA apprised the Sargodhians about the relief activities that SOBA Head Office had undertaken. These activities were earlier for the affectees of Covid restrictions and recently for the flood affectees. The flood relief activities were continuing after the first phase. He urged the Sargodhians to continue their generous donations towards this noble cause. President SOBA also alluded to the programme of SOBA Reunion. Its details would be shared with members next week.
6. At the end the participants were served with hi-tea. Overall the Sargodhians were very excited on having had an opportunity to get together after a long gap. They all were looking forward to the Reunion at Sargodha.
Ikram Bhatti,
AVM (Retd),
Gen Secy, SOBA