Address by President SOBA

Address by President SOBA


Welcome/Farewell Dinner for President SOBA

  1. At the outset, on behalf of all Sargodhians I congratulate ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan for assuming the command of the one of the best Air Forces of the world. Our best wishes and prayers will always remain with him. I have no doubt about his loads of multifaceted professional experience, humanity, eye for the detail and level of headedness, would keep our wonderful service on-course to even newer heights. I also fecilitate him for becoming the Ptron-in-Chief of Sargodhian Old Boys Association. I am sure that his patronage of SOBA and ofcourse its affiliate, SST, would provide the organizations requisite impetus and help them achieve their nation building objective more vigorously.
  2. The out-going former Air Chief, ACM Sohail Aman has done a commendable job and left the PAF in a high state of operational readiness. As Patron-in-Chief SOBA, he was always willing to assist SOBA and SST in their all endeavors and consented to the establishment of Alumni office at the college premises, besides providing the initial funding. While thanking him, we wish him and his family a peaceful second innings with health and prosperity.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I will also take this opportunity and thank all concerned for posting conference in me as president SOBA. I hope we can do some good things together. As some of you would remember that for whatever reasons, we are getting together after only 5 yrs. and 1e days. I, however. Hera that some chapters are certainly doing better. Our North American Sargodhians are fairly well-knit and had a very successful reunion at Washington DC in February this year whereas Peshawar is well known for its Chappal Kabab parties. Unfortunately, the SOBA biennial re-union in Nov-17 had to be cancelled due to weather. Deliberations are on for having it this year, but of course, with minimal financial and administrative loads on College.
  4. Ladies and Gentleman, Given the need for us to become a more vibrant community, plans are afoot to rejuvenate SOBA technically, administratively, as well as financially. SOBA would be soon registered formally as a ‘Not for Profit’ organization at Islamabad to take care of legal aspects. I am sure, the establishment of a full time alumni office at Sargodha would help improve connectivity and communication amongst the Sargodhian world over. The upgraded data based Sargodhian website is almost ready, I would request you all to spare a few moments to update or upload your personal data. The official launching is awaiting only the creation of an online payment engine for facilitating the members.
  5. Ladies and Gentleman, There has been a discussion to create a ‘Think Tank’ at SOBA, but it was decided to initially settle for a non-controversial, a political motivational forum by the name of “Azm-e-Pakistan”. The forum would use Social, Electronic and print media along with other modes and events, especially focusing on youth and bring out the positive aspects of our country to counter the negativity and despondency being spread by local as well as foreign elements. Since this forum would also be all-inclusive, therefore we would expect our talented Sargodhians to contribute in a big way.
  6. Dear Sargodhians, with your support we also plan to pursue another SOBA objective i.e. to create Sargodhian Benevolent Fund (SBF). This fund would support our needy Sargodhian family members through one time financial assistance or Qarz-e-Hasna, whatever the desire. The donations for this noble cause can start right tonight. Our further expansion of the fund, we could also provide scholarships to the children of deceased or needy Sargodhians as well as deserving SST students. Some of you would be aware that SSTPSR is thriving and now has about 40% deserving students on scholarships. We salute the likes of ACM Farooq F Khan, Gen. Ehsan-ul-Haq, Gen Ahsan Saleem Hayat, Tasnim Bhai, Aman Ullah Bhai, A/C Tasaddaq Paracha, A/C Ershad, Col. Zaka, Col. Nazar and not to forget A/C Shabbir(an honorary Sargodhian) who all were the leading lights, for making this miracle happen. SST is already in the process of establishing a state of the art Teachers Training Institute at Rashidabad for which about Rs. 350 million have been given by the Chief Minister Sindh. Spade work is also in hand for the next two SST projects i.e. Neelab and Younas abad at KPK and Baluchistan respectively. At the moment Tasnim Bhai is running around and going places for these but I am sure we could certainly do better with more Sargodhians chipping in with any kind of support. Here I would urge the younger Sargodhians to step forward and assist us with their energy and bright ideas alongside pursuing their personal careers and dreams. Please remember the word Old in SOBA has nothing to do with the age of Sargodhians.
  7. Gentleman, Last but not the least, SOBA must become financially independent and viable. Besides the annual membership fee of Rs 1000/- or a life time fee of Rs 10000/ per member, other areas of generating funds have to be explored. Any workable ideas or enterprises will be welcome. To manage this domain better, at HQ SOBA a new seat for promotion, Fund raising, Publication and Public Relation is being created that will be handled by Amb Salahuddin bhai.
  8. In the end, I once again thank the chief for sparing time from his extremely busy schedule these days. I also commend all Sargodhians along with their spouses for being here despite short notice and specially our teachers Mr. Mehboob Alam Khan and Mr. Zafar Alam. I would also appreciate our diminutive Secretary Air Cdre Nayab for his tireless work and commitment to arrange this event almost single handedly. Gratitude is also due for the support provided by our two eminent Sargodhians i.e. the VCAS AM Arshad Malik and DCAS (A) AM Asim Zaheer.
  9. To conclude, I hope and pray that SOBA continues to connect Sargodhians and enlarge its footprints in the philanthropic as well as Nation Building Domains. Insha Allah.
