Dinner in the honour of incoming and outgoing Patron-in-Chiefs SOBA

Dinner in the honour of incoming and outgoing Patron-in-Chiefs SOBA

Dear Sargodhians
Assalamo Alaikum,
A dinner is being arranged on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 1945 hrs, at Air Headquarters Officers’ Mess, E-9 Islamabad to welcome new Patron-in-Chief SOBA Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan NI (M) and bid farewell to outgoing Patron-in-Chief SOBA, Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman NI (M) at Air Headquarters Officers’ Mess E-9 Sector, Islamabad. All Sargodhians are requested to attend the dinner with their wives.

A detailed program would follow in due course.
Please confirm your participation by e mail, phone, by fax or SMS on numbers given below.
All members are requested to disseminate this information to other Sargodhians.

Air Cdre Nayab Akhtar Khan (Retd)
Sargodhian Old Boys’ Association
Cell No 0300 9738654
Head Office Islamabad
Phone:-          051 2228897, 2228898,
Fax:                051 2221947
SMS               0300 5167377 (Anjum)
E mail             soba.headoffice@gmail.com
